Relativity's Earth to Echo in Theaters July 2

Lou Martin
Relativity's Earth to Echo in Theaters July 2 via

Looking for a Sci Fi movie that you could enjoy with the whole family this Summer?  Check out Earth to Echo, it's coming to theaters July 2.

Tuck, Munch and Alex are a closely bonded trio of inseparable friends, but their time together is coming to an end. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys find a cryptic signal has infected their phones. 

Convinced something bigger is going on and looking for one final adventure together, they set off to trace the messages to their source and discover something beyond their wildest imaginations: hiding in the darkness is a mysterious being, stranded on Earth, and wanted by the government. This launches the boys on an epic journey full of danger and wonder, one that will test the limits of their friendship and change all of their lives forever.

Relativity's Earth to Echo in Theaters July 2 via
Brian Bradley aka Astro

The star of the movie is Brian Bradley aka Astro, the teenage rapper who blew away the judges and fans when he appeared on X-Factor and later signed with LA Reid’s Epic Records.

In his feature film debut, the Brownsville (New York) native Astro plays “Tuck” who with a trio of friends investigate a series of bizarre text messages they receive after a construction project begins in their neighborhood.

Earth to Echo just had a sneak peek viewing on Monday here in Atlanta, but unfortunately I was unable to attend due to my schedule.

I noticed the bloggers that did attend the sneak peek event was raving about the film afterwards.  They also got to meet Astro too!  (Jealous!)

Both of my daughters are looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out July 2nd, but in the meantime they have been enjoying their Earth to Echo gear they've gotten.

Relativity's Earth to Echo in Theaters July 2 via

Make sure to use the hashtag #EarthtoEcho with your pictures to get a chance to be featured on their social networks.  My daughters were featured on their Instagram page with the photo above.

Are you looking forward to seeing Earth to Echo?

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  1. We just saw a commercial for this movie last night and my oldest said he really, REALLY wanted to see it, so we might try to get there this weekend.

    1. The movie comes out July 2nd Robin.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    We saw Million Dollar Arm recently and there was a preview for Earth to Echo. I think it looks so cute! My family is coming into town right when it comes out and we may take them to see it.

    1. It does look like it'll be a good movie. My daughters looks forward to seeing it.

  3. Sounds like something i would take my kids to.. i like movies like this.

  4. Sci-fi has been on my mind a lot later. I think I will delve into this to see what my inquiry is about. The cover somewhat reminds me of ET.

    Is this adult friendly?

    1. Reginia it is adult friendly too. This movie is a modern day ET film.

  5. Getting an ET vibe from this. Cool.

  6. Sounds like a movie my grands would enjoy! I'll be on the lookout for it! Thanks.

  7. Oh wow ! I remember "Astro" - he looks like he got so much older since the last time I "saw him". Good for him in getting a role in the film. This movie looks like something my nephew would enjoy.

    1. I never knew he was on the X Factor. It's great to see him taking on new jobs and roles!

  8. This looks like a cute movie and I agree with Miss Foodie Fab, I totally got an ET vibe when I first saw the trailer

  9. I really want to watch this together with my son. It has been so much fun to watch movies together with him and I think this would be perfect for us!

  10. aw so sad you weren't able to attend, but glad you're taking your daughters soon. It sounds like a very fun film!

  11. My son is big on rocket space ship and astronauts and robots so will watch out for Echo next month.

  12. This movie looks a lot like a modern day E.T. to me. Sounds like the screening was fun. I remember watching Astro and it would have been cool to meet him!

    1. Yeah it is a modern day E.T. Stacie. I wish I was able to attend the red carpet event to meet him.

  13. This looks like a great film! I'll be sure to check it out when it hits Comcast.

  14. Looks like a great movie..something my nephews would enjoy!

  15. Looks like something the kids would love. Looking forward to hearing more!

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