Lou Martin

Did you know that the WONKA brand that makes the candies Runts, Laffy Taffy, Nerds, and more now has a ice cream pop?

I didn't know this until I got into a campaign with BzzAgent.com to try out WONKA PEEL-A-POP ice cream.

WONKA™ PEEL-A-POP™ Vanilla Banana and Grape Flavor


BzzAgent gave me:

  • A coupon for a FREE (up to $4.49) 8-count box of WONKA PEEL-A-POP frozen dessert pops, redeemable at your local Kroger store.
  • A Wonka-fied whistle to let kids know when they can come running for a peelable pop.
  • A WONKA branded beach ball and pair of sunglasses for outdoor summer fun.
  • $1-off coupons to share with other parents who also shop at The Kroger Co. Family of Stores.

Little Girl Eating a WONKA PEEL-A-POP

A Little Girl Eating a WONKA PEEL-A-POP

My Review 

I was expecting for the banana peels to be Laffy Taffy or Airheads but was bummed when I was eating it and it was not.  I tried both flavors Vanilla Grape and Vanilla Banana and out of the two the Vanilla Banana was my favorite one.

The way the ice cream pop works is you bite it, peel it, and enjoy.  The banana peel is lacking in flavor and the texture is gummy or maybe like a gummy jello.  But what ever it is I do not care too much for it and they should've stayed true to their brand and used Laffy Taffy or Airheads as peels.

The ice cream in the middle is vanilla and that is the best part of the ice cream pop.  It reminds me of eating vanilla pudding and I happen to love vanilla pudding.

Both of my daughters got a chance to eat this frosty treat and my oldest daughter Lauren did not care for it and my youngest Michelle loved it.

I like the fact that these Peel-a-Pops are only 70 calories so these pops is great to have to treat yourself or just a fun treat for kids during the Summer months.

WONKA™ PEEL-A-POP Grape Flavor

WONKA™ PEEL-A-POP™ Vanilla Banana Flavor

For more news around the launch of WONKA PEEL-A-POP frozen dessert pops and the 50th Anniversary of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, follow the brand on Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter today.


I think these are great pops for kids and they'll enjoy peeling them and then eating them.  I think it is the prefect Summer time treat that will tickle their taste buds.

Have you tried these Peel-A-Pops before?

Disclosure- I received a free coupon to buy the ice cream pops to do a review.  All opinions are my own.

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  1. Comment Author

    I saw these in the store, but didn't get them. The concept sounds interesting...I can't wrap my head about the "peeling" part, but wouldn't mind trying it out. I probably would like the Vanilla/Banana the best.

    1. Comment Author

      I think these pops are more for children. Those peels are not that good and I could do without them.

  2. Comment Author

    I noticed these the other day and was curious. Thanks for your review

  3. Comment Author

    I'm gonna risk the 70 calories and check these out. Always looking for a low calorie alternative to Haagen Dazs LOLOL

    1. Comment Author

      LOL! Yeah they are for sure a better alternative than Haagen Dazs!

  4. Comment Author

    I have seen these and have definitely wanted to try them and now I will! I'm interested in the peel. I keep thinking it's going to be like a fondant or something

    1. Comment Author

      The peel is pretty weird and the taste isn't that great and I don't like the texture of it. But the ice cream inside is good.

  5. Comment Author

    First, I am SO GLAD y'all were honest w your reviews! The Popsicle is very interesting w that peel part.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks Aimee! I'm always honest when it comes to my reviews.

  6. Comment Author

    Yummy! Perfect for a hot day! I love that they don't have a lot of calories!!

    1. Comment Author

      The calories is the best part! LOL!

  7. Comment Author

    Sounds like something my son would love. Too bad the outside isn't so good :(

    1. Comment Author

      Yeah this ice cream is prefect for kids.

  8. Comment Author

    I knew about the candy not the ice cream.. there candy is great, so i am sure the ice cream pop are also.

    1. Comment Author

      I love Wonka's candies but not really this ice cream.

  9. Comment Author

    The concept sounds interesting but I would be afraid that it would be too messy. The peeling, touching, then stickiness would scary. Sounds like they may need to go back to the drawing board on this one.

    1. Comment Author

      It actually is not sticky to my surprise. But they missed the mark with that peel because it is not very good.

  10. Comment Author

    It seems like a kid-pleasing treat. I'm not sure I'd buy them for me, but for kids, yes.

  11. Comment Author

    Those are so cool. I am going to see if they have them at our grocery story my son would probably love these.

    1. Comment Author

      Your son would enjoy them Danielle.

  12. Comment Author

    awesome! it looks like one of those sweet treats right out of Willy Wonka factory!

  13. Comment Author

    Totally didn't know Wonka made ice cream! cool

  14. Comment Author

    ohh those look so yummy! And I love the peeling part! lol We love Wonka candy - will definitely try them out!

    1. Comment Author

      Try it out Debbie and see what you think. It is not tart like Wonka's candies are.

  15. Comment Author

    I love how candid you are. The idea sounds completely gross to me to be perfectly honest.

  16. Comment Author

    How cool! I didn't know Wonka made frozen treats :)

  17. Comment Author

    Hey! I shop at Kroger, too. They have a great selection of organic and vegan. Your little girls are so adorable. I wish we could have a playdate. :)

    1. Comment Author

      That would be great if our girls had a playdate! Both of our girls are pretty much the same age!

  18. Comment Author
    Anonymous11:06 PM

    What in the world! These are too, too funny. I bet my girls would like them. We have no Kroger near us though unfortunately, so I guess we will have to wait and see if they branch out from there?

    1. Comment Author

      Seems like Kroger is always the first store to get new food items. But don't feel too bad it's not in your local grocery store because these pops are not all that great thanks to the peel.

  19. Comment Author

    Oooh! This is really different! Never seen any pops like this. Love the peeling part of it!

    1. Comment Author

      The peeling part is what the kids would really like.

  20. Comment Author

    I've been wanting to try these. I always have my house stocked with popsicles for my two year old so we may add this to our grocery list!

  21. Comment Author

    I haven't seen those before. Kind of a clever way to eat our ice cream. Seems like something fun for the kids to at least try.

    1. Comment Author

      Yeah Stacie the kids would have fun eating these.

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