How to Write a Product Review Post

Lou Martin
How to Write a Product Review Post via

Product reviews are some of the most fun posts that you will be able to write for your blog. If you have begun to apply for and receive products, or if advertisers have reached out to you about doing product review posts for your blog, you will need to know how to write a blog post for a product review. Unlike a standard blog, a product review post will need to be concise and have a few extra points inside. Here are some tips on writing successful product review posts for your blog.

Start with a problem

Most products solve a problem or help you with something. In order to introduce the product, you should first introduce the readers to why you needed this product. You can give a short introduction of about a paragraph spelling out the issue and leading into the product itself. Beginning with a statement of the problem will help readers who have the same issues understand why they should continue reading.

Introduce the product and what it does 

The main information that should be included in a product review is letting you know what it is and what the product does. Be sure to include all the pertinent information about the product, including the ingredients or what it is made of, how it is to be used, and whom it is recommended for. Also, include the name of the business and the manufacturer of the product if applicable. A clear photograph of the product is also necessary so that your readers can clearly identify the product in-store or if they see it online.

Customer service information

If you have had any emails or customer service contact with the company that offered you the product, also outline this inside of your product review post. The company itself can be just as important as the product. A company that offers good customer service is one that your readers will likely value over a company with little customer contact or poor customer service. No matter what your experience was with the company, be sure to add this information inside of the post.

Photograph aids

The best way to show how a product should be used is to use photographs that show you utilizing the product. If the product you are reviewing allows it, be sure to take before, during, and after photos of the results that you received from the product. If your product review is a fashion or beauty product, take photographs highlighting the way you used the product and what effect the product had.

End with where to buy

All product reviews should include where the product can be purchased. Either link the product inside of your post or give direct instructions on how to buy. When you provide your readers with a direct link to where they can purchase the product that you reviewed, it makes it more likely that they will make a purchase.

Are you a blogger looking to start writing product reviews? 

Are you a non-blogger looking to do product reviews? 


Do you write product reviews? Do you have tips to share?

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  1. This is great! I have my first one coming up so will follow your advice. Thx!

    1. Yay! I'm looking forward to reading all about it!

  2. Good information. Thank you

  3. I can not wait to start product reviews. Thanks for the advice

    1. You're welcome Laidee! You can start by reviewing products that you buy.

  4. These are really great tips! I love the first one - to start with a problem. Great advice!

  5. I love this! What great tips- I"m always stressed out about reviews and this guide really helps!

  6. Great tips! I am always looking for ways to improve my product reviews.

  7. I love how you simplified the elements in a good review. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. This is wonderful hope to hear more reviews.

  9. This is great! I've been enjoying writing more reviews lately.

    1. Reviews are fun, you get to learn about great products.

  10. This is very informative! Thank you for sharing!! I have done a couple of product reviews, but would love to do more in the future.

    1. You should do more, it would be a great addition to your blog!

  11. Great info. I love doing reviews especially if I am passionate about the product makes it so much easier.

    1. I only do reviews of products I'm passionate about too. Only products I pretty much use in my daily life.

  12. Thanks for these great tips! I'm missing the mark on the photos I sometime use the company photos thinking they look more professional but you're right I should be highlighting how I use the product. Thanks Lou. We totally need to collaborate on something soon :)

    1. I mix in company's photos along with mine. When I first started reviewing products on this blog I was only using theirs because my picture quality on my phone was terrible. But now I have a camera so I take my own pictures. Looks more authentic.

      Yes girl we do need to collaborate, like do a fashion post together. That will get me out of my shell to start doing fashion posts. I love shopping and need to start showing off my fashion finds.

    2. Let me know when you like to collaborate.

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I'm so glad you posted this. I have been looking for a good and simple "how to" for writing reviews on a blog. I am hoping to start making money off of my blog and was thinking about getting into reviews after a friend of mine asked if I would review one of the products she sells. I am a stay-at-home mom who needs income from a part-time job, but am hoping to be able to some how work from home soon for that income. =) Thanks again! =)

    1. You're welcome! If you're looking to make money doing product reviews on your blog you can either charge to do a review or you can add affiliate links of the product you're reviewing. I usually do affiliate links. Paid reviews may turn off your readers.

  14. Great post, I will definitely be sharing these tips.

  15. I don't do much product review BUT this is great info. Thanks for sharing!


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