Look What Brown Can Do! Book Review

Lou Martin
Look What Brown Can Do!   Book Review  via  www.productreviewmom.com
 The girls and I were provided a book free to do a review, all opinions are our own.  Post contains Amazon affiliate links.

I always let my girls know that they can be anything they want to be if they set their minds to it.  Right now they’re unsure what they want to be when they grow up but whatever it may be I’ll be there to cheer them on.

With all the craziness and racial tensions going on in the world today, I do fear what my girls will have to go through now and when they get older.  The media has painted African Americans as uneducated thugs but hardly show us in a positive light.  I try to shelter my girls of all the negativity so that they don’t feel like they’re not equal to everyone else.  

With Mr. M and I both entrepreneurs, we want to set an example for our girls to let them know that if we can start our own business they can do the same too.  This is why you see my girls on my blog because I want them to be a part of my journey as a full time blogger/ business owner and see that if their mom can make a business from her passions then they can do the same as well. 

Remember, kids today will be the leaders of tomorrow so we need to help guide them for the future.  We need to continue to uplift them, inspire them, be a positive role model, help them be the next to create a legacy. 

Look What Brown Can Do!   Book Review  via  www.productreviewmom.com

The girls and I just recently finished reading a book called, “Look What Brown Can Do!” showing real life African Americans who paved the way and created history.  The book was created by T. Marie Harris, a SAHM of 2 who wanted to create books that highlights black characters since it’s hard to find children’s book with black characters in them. 

Look What Brown Can Do!   Book Review   via  www.productreviewmom.com

It’s refreshing to read a book like this showing my girls that people of their same skin color can be anything they want to be like an artist, business owner, government leader, athlete, inventor, etc.  My girls can look in the mirror and be proud of what they see and love the skin that they're in, you never know, they may be the next ones people will be reading about in history books.

Although the book is meant for children a little bit younger than my girls, children and adults of any ages would enjoy reading Look What Brown Can Do!  I found myself googling about some of the people mentioned in the book since I never heard of them before, so this book gives a great history lesson. 

I love the illustrations and the message showing that children of color can do it too.  This book will have you and your child talking and help them get inspired about what they’d like to be when they grow up.  

This book is a must read for everyone, not just African Americans.  I applauded T. Marie Harris for creating such an aspiring book for children, especially for African American children.  I look forward to seeing more books by her showing characters that looks like my girls.

Would you like to get a copy for your child?  The book can be purchased on Amazon

What would your child like to be when they grow up?

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  1. I love this! Kids need to see the positive side of African Americans not just the negative stereotypes from the media. I should look for this book in my library.

    1. Unsure if this book is in libraries yet, but it is a book that is a must to add to your children's book collection.

  2. OMG, you're absolutely right about that!!! Mold our babies from now is a must... My 5 year old keeps saying she wants to be a doctor. But I secretly whisper to my huband saying "Mark, I don't want her to be a doctor." HIM: "Why?". Me: "I want her to be a business owner instead. LOL. I know they have to work their own journey but I am strongly molding them from now while both my girls are young. Setting an example, so true hun!!! AWESOME book review. Thanks for sharing. I'm always looking for new and good (affordable) books to buy for my kiddos to read. I LOVE this title Look what brown can do. Inspiring book teaching our girls that's yes they can be and do anything with their skin color etc...

    Hey, what are some of the mother and daughter bonding activities you and your girls enjoy or like to do? Some moms say "hair and nail polish" together... You?

    1. She can be a doctor and own her own practice.

      My girls and I love to go to nail salons but that started getting expensive so we do our own nails. Another girly thing the girls and I love doing is clothes shopping, they just love keeping in style.

  3. Hey Suzie! I love the fact that you show your children famous people from all of their heritages. It really helps show them that people from all different nationalities that help make a difference and created history. This is very encouraging to kids and even adults!

    Thanks girl, you're raising your kids right too and just watch they'll be the next to change the world, I'm speaking it to existence!

  4. This sounds like a great book. I also tell my boys they can be whatever they want to be because that is what I was told at a young age too.

    1. That is great you tell them that Victoria!

  5. I absolutely love this! As a mom of young impressionable brown skinned boys, I find the portrayal of AAs today to be disturbing. I love to find more positive imagines to display. I will definitely check out this book!

    1. Yes, check out this book Apryl your sons will love it!

  6. I love that you are showcasing the positive side of African-Americans to your children. Often all we hear is negative information and I think it's important that children are aware of how awesome we are. Looks like a great book!

    1. Thanks Shauntee! We got to keep are children uplifted!

  7. This sounds like it's a great read for any kid. I also agree we have to mold kids from early to know they can be better, do better and aspire to effectively change this world for good.

  8. This sounds like an awesome book! And this is a really nice book review, Lou. I've always enjoyed how you've incorporated your girls into your blog and it's been an inspiration for me, as well with my two girls!

    1. Thank you so much Celeste and following along with my journey! I really enjoy you incorporating your daughters with your blog too!

  9. This book sounds great. I am trying to get pregnant now and am making note of books for my future kid to read. Pinned this post.

  10. I will have to get this book for my kids. As African-American children I want them to know that our ancestors have done great things in this country.

    1. This will be the perfect book for them Sonya!

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