Ways to Transition Summer Clothes into Autumn

Lou Martin
Ways to Transition Summer Clothes into Autumn  via  www.productreviewmom.com
Me layering up my look with Wilson's Leather Jacket

Autumn weather is known for playing tricks. One moment it’s hot, then the next its cold. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to transition your summer clothes into autumn. Today, I will be sharing some of the ways that you can do just that.

Put Tights under Your Summer Dresses

Just because it gets a little cooler out, it does not mean that you have to say goodbye to your favorite summer dresses just yet. To turn them into an outfit that your friends may not even recognize, add some cute tights to your wardrobe. Your friends will be so in awe by how well put together you look that they will not really have the time to remember this was one of your favorite summer dresses.

Layer Your Clothes

Layering is a cute trend that allows you to continue wearing crop tops and other summer shirts in the fall. However, when layering up, make sure that you do not let it get the best of you. You don’t want to do more than 2-3 layers or else you will look like you are about to be eaten by your clothes.

Wear Sandals with Pants

Sandals can be the accessory that helps bring out your attire. As long as it is not too cold out, you can keep your pretty sandals in your shoe closet and pair them with pants. This does mean that you will have to maintain pretty pedicures, but it keeps you from bringing out your boots too early.

Add Scarfs to Shirts

Scarfs can be worn during all seasons. However, as the seasons change the way you wear them changes too. When fall rolls around they make the perfect accessory to be added to your shirts again.

Leggings with Long Shirts

If you are not someone who considers leggings to be underwear, they will look great with some of your long shirts from summer that you paired with shorts or even some of your short summer dresses that could pass for long shirts in the fall. Additionally, if you are a fan of trench coats you can even pull them off with a shorter shirt.

Add Blazers to Tube Tops

Even though the weather may be getting cooler, you can still get a little extra mileage from your favorite summer shirts. Simply add a blazer to them and watch how you transfer a fun, flirty shirt into a professional look. Blazers are a good thing to have in your closest; I think all women should own at least one black blazer, which is great for both autumn and spring.

Rain boots Can Still Be Worn

Just because you think you are in the clear from rain, it does not mean that is the case just yet. Keep a pair of rain boots in your car so whenever rain pops up you can protect your cute shoes. Rain boots can be worn with jeans, leggings, and more. Therefore, making the switch is super easy.

How do you transition your summer clothes for autumn?

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  1. I definitely pair sandals with pants during transition times. I also like blazers with tank tops.

    1. These are my go-to styles during the autumn months.

  2. No boots Suzie? I gotta wear my boots during the colder months.

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