Halloween, Santa, New Boots, and Time Change - Oh, the Excitement!

Lou Martin
Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Hey Yall!  How was your Halloween?  Are you enjoying the extra hour?

If you followed along my Instagram and Facebook, you would've seen that my girls and I spent Halloween at our local mall.  It has been a tradition of ours to do trick-or-treating at our local mall because for years my family and I were living in apartments and no way were we going to go up and down stairways knocking on doors for some candy.  That's a workout!  We now live in a house but still prefer going to the mall since my daughters get the most candy there.

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Since Halloween was on a Saturday, the mall was packed with trick-or-treaters, so we had a strategy to avoid the long lines.  Halloween started at 6 pm sharp, and we arrived at 5pm.  First, we knocked out our Halloween photoshoot first (first photo above) and then headed to the second floor of the mall because it was fewer people there.

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

When 6 pm hit, it was huge crowds and people lining up at different stores, but hardly any lines were forming on the second floor.

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

My girls once again made out with a lot of candy and other goodies.  I already know that half their candy will end up in the trash because I do not allow them to sit around eating candy all day.  I don't allow them to eat much candy anyway.

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!   via  www.productreviewmom.com

While scrambling around the mall, we ran into Santa passing out candy canes to the children.  Santa was dressed in a red sweatsuit and looking thin; I guess since the holiday season is just now starting he hasn't had a chance to fill up on holiday meals.  Even Michelle asked me why was Santa so skinny.  I was questioning why was Santa even there?  It ain't his time yet; he got about three more weeks to go, why the rush?  Trying to get these kids begging for gifts so soon.  Shoot....ToyRUs sent out their Holiday Toy Catalog two weeks ago and had my girls fighting over it.  Looks like this will be a long holiday season.  UGH!

Walking around the mall finding candy worked up an appetite, so Lauren recommended us to have P.F. Chang's for dinner that is located right outside the mall.   Lauren has been begging for P.F. Chang's for awhile now, so she was excited to go finally.

Halloween, Santa, New Boots, Time Change, Oh My!  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Our table was covered with different dishes of food; we couldn't eat it all.

After dinner, we went back into the mall because now I was on the hunt for some new rider boots.  Macy's was my store of choice since they always have a great shoe collection.  Only thing, though, the boots I wanted were $200 and up.  Should I spend this high amount, or not?

Macy's Coach Rider Boots  via  www.productreviewmom.com

Well y'all, I caved in and spent over $300 on a pair of black Coach rider boots.  I thought this may be the last time I'll be able to spend like this since I'm resigning from my job next month.  These boots will hold up for many years and will go with different outfits, so I think the money was well spent.  Sometimes you got to spoil yourself and splurge a little.  I had to place an order on the Coach boots since I needed a wide calf and Macy's didn't have it, so I can't wait until they arrive this week.

Today is Sunday, the time fell back, and I'm happy for the extra hour of sleep.  All day today, I lounged around in my pajamas, finally subscribed to Netflix, watch my Raiders play (finally their games are not blacked out), and took me a good nap.  That extra hour sure does make a difference!  Now, let see how much I like it tomorrow when I leave work, and it's pitch dark outside.  Extra hour means shorter days, less daylight.

Have a great week ahead everyone!  Cheers to the holiday season!

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  1. Comment Author

    When I saw Santa I was like what in the world....geez. I have never had PF Chang I have always wanted it too but never made it there.

    1. Comment Author

      LOL!!!!! Girl...you need to go to P.F. Chang's, they have delicious Asian inspired dishes.

  2. Comment Author

    First: SKINNY SANTA?!?! Lol . I think next year I'm going to have to make the journey up there to you guys mall for Halloween. Because we can't trick or treat in this neighborhood. NO KIDS came to our door. And that harvest fest at Pookahs school was a joke lol. And Yasssss to those boots. Yasass

    1. Comment Author

      Girl yes, Santa was skinny. I'm pretty sure all the kids were questioning why he is not his heavy self.

      Yep, you better come up north to my hood and trick-or-treat next year. Let me know if you will.

  3. Comment Author

    Sounds like Halloween went well for you. We ended up going to a church in our new neighborhood as they had a gathering with bounce houses and stuff. I don't allow the kids to eat much candy (they get crazy) so it was for the best to avoid the disappointment of not having the sugar rush lol.

    Those boots are super cute too. You work hard so you deserved them regardless of the price tag.

    1. Comment Author

      That's great ya'll found a place to do Halloween.

      Thanks girl! I got my boots and have been loving. Just a bit tight on my foot though, so I need to break them in.

  4. Comment Author

    Lovely photos of kids.Seems they enjoyed their day much!

  5. Comment Author

    The girls are cute as always! $300 boots? Girl, I say if you got it like that, go ahead with your bad self! Seriously, I'm sure it will last long so it's worth the investment.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks Stacie! I normally don't ever spend that kind of money on shoes. I won't be splurging like that for a long time.

  6. Comment Author
    Anonymous11:42 AM

    What in the world? Go home, Santa, you're drunk!

    Your girls looked adorable in their costumes. We used to hit the mall for trick or treating too when we lived in apartments and were thinking about doing it this year because it was sprinkling off and on, but got there too late! The weather held out for us, though.

    Great boot splurge!

    1. Comment Author

      LMAO at Santa being drunk!!!!!!! Yeah, he was drunk off of Starbucks, LOL!

      Glad you and the girls were able to go trick-or-treating, despite missing out at the mall.

  7. Comment Author

    Well the girls definitely had a great time but you really got the treat with those boots - good for you!

    1. Comment Author

      Yep Sis, I had to "treat" myself too.

  8. Comment Author

    The mall is a much safer place to go. PF Chang's is so good!

  9. Comment Author

    Your girls are beautiful! And I LOVE those boots. It never hurts to splurge for yourself every once in a while, and you'll get good use out of those! ;)

  10. Comment Author

    Sounds like a lot of fun! Lovely pictures and yes, those boots look fab! :) #ProductReviewParty

  11. Comment Author
    Anonymous8:07 PM

    Those boots are so cute and you and the girls always have so much fun. Did I just read the word 'Shoot'? You may be from California but you are now officially a Southern Girl.

    1. Comment Author

      Yep girl, you read "shoot"! I'm now a Southern Girl! I haven't used West Coast lingos in years now.

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