My Thoughts about Working for Myself

Lou Martin
My Thoughts about Working for Myself  via

Hey Yall!  It has been a full month that I've been working from home full-time.  People have been asking me how I've been enjoying the work from home life, so I decided to share my thoughts about it through a blog post.

Let me tell ya, my anxiety was awful when I first left my job.  Thoughts of did I make a mistake leaving my job?  What if this whole blogging as a career ends up failing?  What if I grow bored of blogging? What if...what if...what if?

I was scaring myself to death, finding myself having nervous shakes often.  I never worked for myself before without having an outside job as my crutch.

But you know what?  I love this life as an entrepreneur!  I have so much freedom to do whatever I want.  I don't have to answer to anyone!  I feel like I'm retired, and I'm only 32!

It was lonely at the beginning when I first left my job because during the day the girls are at school, and Mr. M is at work, so I find myself alone during the morning and early afternoon hours.  At my job, I would enjoy chatting it up with my coworker, but now I'm surrounded by dead silence, so I had to get used to that. 

I take that time to do any work that needs to be done with my blog, like writing, photo taking and answering emails.  If I'm already done with my work before it's time to pick the girls up from school, I use my free time to run errands and clean up around the house.  I do not watch tv at all because I hate daytime television. Also, I do not take naps since I'm going to bed much earlier.  I have joined a gym to help me recharge and lose weight.  Speaking of joining a gym, I started eating healthier too, giving me a lot more energy to get things done.

With all this newfound freedom, I'm able to travel a lot more.  No more having to wait to see if I have enough vacation time at work and if I have someone to cover me to do my job duties.

Remember I was thinking of if I made the right choice of leaving my job?

Last week, my old job was preparing to move to their new location, and I helped them out packing and unpacking.  It was great seeing my old coworkers and bosses, but the feeling of going back just didn't feel the same.  I felt like an employee again, having to follow the rules of someone else.  Back to morning traffic, telling my daughters I couldn't spend time with them due to having to help my job move, breaking a promise we had about going to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda 3.  Also, I found myself back eating fast foods, and ordering take-out for dinner each night and filling up my gas tank twice in a week.

That was God's way of showing me that I was meant to be at home working for myself; I made the right decision.

It was time for me stop living someone else dream; it's time to live my own.  Time to live today and stop worrying about tomorrow.  Yes, things fail, but failing is a good thing because you learn from it to not let it happen again.

The downside to being your own boss, you must pay the full price of medical, dental, and vision insurance, all of this can be very pricey.  You got to think about getting a retirement account, life insurance, and money for slow days as well.

Got to have a game plan working for yourself, saving up money before you take the leap to entrepreneurship is vital.  I find myself budgeting my money a lot, making sure I'm not spending it on things that are not needed.  Before I quit my job, I saved over a year's worth of income just in case blogging doesn't work out to be able to pay bills. far so good with being my own boss, I even made more money since I've been able to put my full focus into blogging.  Working for myself gets me out of my comfort zone and hustle harder making sure money continues to come in.  I'm the creator of my own destiny.

I get to spend a lot of time with my family; the girls are happy I'm picking them up from school every day, Mr. M is happy that I'm home and cooking healthier meals.  Overall, I couldn't be happier!  Blogging has been a blessing for my whole family and me.

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  1. Comment Author

    Lou..I am so happy for you. I downloaded your ebook yesterday and will read it over the next few days. I must do a lifestyle change too. After being sick recently, I realized that change is required in my life. These 9 to 5 jobs are sometimes just too stressful on our bodies. I am starting to look at what I really enjoy and starting to make plans doing what makes ME happy.
    I just believe God does provide and all works out for our good when we trust him. You are my inspiration. Nothing like freedom to live. Keep living girl!...blessings

    1. Comment Author

      Thank you so much Janet! Yes, my old 9-5 was taking a toll on my health. I was sluggish, always tired, and never hardly had time for myself.

      Start making plans now if you want to start working for yourself full-time. Work for yourself while still having your job to see if being in business for yourself is the right thing for you. Even though being your own boss is a great thing, it takes a lot of hard work too. I do find myself working longer hours than 8 blogging. But what ever your passions are, turn those passions into a business!

  2. Comment Author

    Lou, I'm sure I'll have questions once I finish your book. Will get back to you. Happy blogging and I enjoy your daily posts!

  3. Comment Author

    I'm so excited for you. I almost shouted when you said you saved a year's worth of salary. I don't have any questions at this time, but I'll be back soon either way.

    1. Comment Author

      Yes, with 2 children to take care of, having money saved up is a must! If anything happens with my blog and I can no longer live off of it I'll have enough time to find another job. Thanks Petula!

  4. Comment Author
    Anonymous8:58 AM

    Lou, I am so happy for you!! I'm an entrepreneur too and have been working from home for almost three years. I tried blogging but that's not for me. My husband and I have a freight brokerage and an expedited freight business that we run from home. Three years ago I took the entrepreneur leap first and my husband followed four months later. We love it, our boys love it, and we're teaching them how to be their own boss!! I'm so glad you took the chance and made that leap. I am really enjoying your daily posts and I am a loyal follower! Blessings!!

    1. Comment Author

      That really inspires me Kb! Mr. M also works for himself and now with us both having our own businesses we are showing our girls about being their own boss. Mr. M has been working for himself for 5 years and it just shows that when you enjoy what you do and work hard at it, you can do anything. Thanks girl for being a loyal follower, I really appreciate it! Blessings to you and your husband!

  5. Comment Author

    So happy for you. You have been a shining light since I began this blogging thing. and you are giving me encouragement. Continue to live your passion.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks Clearissa! Continue living your passions as well! If I can do it, I know you can too! It takes constancy, dedication, and hard work. And you'll reap the benefits of it.

  6. Comment Author

    You know that I am extremely proud of you not for just for you but for the example that you are setting for the girls. Keep it up, when I grow up, I want to be just like you!

  7. Comment Author

    SUPER congrats, Louida!! You're doing it, girl! You are amazing. Best wishes for continued success. You definitely made the right decision!


  8. Comment Author

    Congrats again Lou! I'm so happy to hear that you're finding your stride. Continued success to you :)

  9. Comment Author
    Anonymous2:41 PM

    This is amazing, you are living a life that many dream of and you're still very young Lou! What a blessing and I pray that God continue to open even more doors to expand your influence and income! I know you've been a blessing to me!

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks girl! To think, I would have never thought this hobby would become a business.

      You have been a blessing to me as well! You played a big part of my success with this blog, and I thank you so much!

  10. Comment Author

    Congratulations Louida. Pretty soon, I will be doing the same, myself! I wish you never ending success.

    1. Comment Author

      Yay! You'll love working for yourself!

  11. Comment Author

    Congratulations!!! I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself and that you have more time for your family, yourself, and your business. It's great that working for yourself is also helping you to eat healthier and exercise.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks girl! I'm loving this work from home life. Also I've been losing weight too since I'm now taking better care of myself.

  12. Comment Author

    Kudos to you Louida! Such great advice too, you made a plan and worked it! Continued success and happiness!

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks girl! Having a plan is important starting a business.

  13. Comment Author

    Thanks girl! Yes, we still need to do lunch! It's been way too long since we last hung out.

  14. Comment Author
    Anonymous11:18 AM

    Hi Lou !

    I'm here again and couldn't resist. You inspire my soul to keep peeling every layer of doubt and misunderstanding that faith along will drive you. Currently, I am working from home full time but under a corporate umbrella. I work for a reputable company that services the entire world we live in, with the variety of languages under my belt, I have found opportunities everywhere being able to speak, read, and write other languages to an advantage point. I love what I do because I work from home, in my PJ's and socks. I get out of the house on my days off to run my errands but I'm still free. My blog is fairly new and I'd love to catapult my blog into a sensational place for moms and people alike that just want to canvas their thoughts with the www. I am confident but know that I have a lot to learn. I'm over at and the blog has taken off, I am still learning. I do learn a lot from you and I follow your tips and suggestions as I do with other bloggers. My goal is to connect strongly with other moms and let God do it ! Have a wonderful day !

    1. Comment Author

      You got this! Keep on going and follow your dreams. It took me years, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but all worth it in the end.

  15. Comment Author


    I am glad to hear that you are enjoying working for yourself. I agree with you about being lonely though. You get used to it after a few months and you just have to remember to take breaks from work and get out and do something for yourself. I wish you the best of luck with your career as a full time entrepreneur.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks girl! I have been taking a lot of time for myself and taking care of me. I'm getting use to the loneliness, but actually starting to like it because I get more work done without interruptions.

  16. Comment Author

    Louida, I am so proud of you for making this transition. You'll find that it is so worth. I think you're already seeing that. ;)
    I love that you did this the right way too.
    p.s. Enjoy the silence!

  17. Comment Author

    I guess every experience is different. I did also leave my job of 12 years to be a SAHM. I love my kids but the stay a long almost half part of the day was stressing me out and I went back to work.. but, this time part time and closer to home so I can run to my kids at any time. It is working out for me. I wish you all the very best!!.

    1. Comment Author

      Working from home is not for everyone. Glad you found a part time job close to home and still be able to spend time with your family.

  18. Comment Author

    It's the freedom that I think would keep me from ever going back into an office. Being home with my kids is the most important thing for me. I thank you for stating that the insurance and retirement becomes your responsibility and it is expensive. I don't think people fully understand the enormity of those costs when you have to write the check every month with non steady pay.

    So glad you are enjoying yourself and everything is working out.

    1. Comment Author

      Thanks Mimi! Yes, the freedom is what makes me not want to work in an office again too. My girls enjoys me being at home, and I enjoy spending more time with them as well.

      I forgot to mention that needing a emergency fund is important too for unexpected expenses, like car repairs. People don't realize that you need more money than what you earn from your outside job to make working from home work for them.

  19. Comment Author

    Thanks girly! Working from home is exciting with so much freedom! If I can, I'll never want to work for someone else.

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