The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John

Lou Martin
The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John   via
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Hey Yall....again!  LOL!  My last night adventures continues.  First, the girls, Mr. M, and I attended the VIP Grand Opening of la Madeleine Country French Cafe; then gave kisses goodbye to Mr. M as he headed back to work, and my girls and I took a short trip to Books A-Million in Sugarloaf Mills mall to meet Daymond John at his book signing.

The other day while browsing my Facebook feed, I saw Daymond John's event being advertised in my local area.  I was interested in attending because I love watching Daymond on Shark Tank, he's one of my favorite sharks, along with crabby Kevin O'Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful.

Daymond John inspires me because this self-made entrepreneur created a business out of having nothing.  He has proven that if you want that American dream, you got to go out and create it, no matter what your finances is.  Daymond is a go-getter, a hustler, an innovator.


Did you know he is the founder, president, and CEO of the urban clothing brand FUBU?  I remember rockin' his clothing back in high school.  At my high school, if you didn't have FUBU, consider yourself uncool and not hip to the fashion trend.

I wanted my girls to meet him and see that no matter what, they can do, and be anything.  The world is their oyster.  And this is another reason I include my girls in my blogging business; they watched how I built this blog from the ground up with little money, just $10 bucks.  I worked hard over the years, busting my butt to make my blogging passions profitable and to turn someday it into a business.  And you all know the rest of the story, I'm living that American Dream today.

We arrived at the event almost an hour late, and boy was that line long, almost wrapped around the store!  But I'm there, I'm staying, I'm going to get my picture taken with Daymond and have him sign my book!  I don't care how long it takes!

The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John   via

I purchased his book, "The Power of Broke," a book about how empty pockets, a tight budget, and a hunger for success can become your greatest competitive advantage, and we quickly headed to the end of the line.  The girls wandered off to the video section still in my eye view, so I could watch them and make sure they're okay.

The line started moving quickly within 10 minutes of standing in it, and I told the girls to come back in line with me.

While in line, I noticed Daymond giving us eye contact.  Hmm...I was wondering what for?  Then he smiled at Michelle while meeting and greeting other fans, and he started to wave at her; she waved back.  All of a sudden he stopped everything and told all of us to come here.

Say what now?  Did he just drop everything and told us to come here?  Can someone pinch me?  Is this really happening?

The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John   via

We came to him, and he immediately started talking to the girls, while signing our book.  He told the girls he loved how they coordinated their outfits, both wearing leopard prints.  Then he jokingly told them that he was going to wear a similar outfit that day too.  That made the girls laugh.  The funny thing is the girls through on anything and didn't even notice they were both wearing the same prints.

The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John   via

What a class act!  Humble and charming!  To pull us out of that long line, had a conversation with us, and had multiple pictures taken with him, shows that he is a caring person and have love for his fans.  You don't get that a lot from celebrities; some are so stuck up and full of themselves, thinking that they're better than you.  This humble gesture makes me love him even more, much respect for him.   He also made my girls feel real special; that meant a lot to them.  They can't wait to share this news with their friends.

I can't wait to dive into this book, and absorb all the golden nuggets he has to share.  I'm going to soak up his advice like a sponge so it can help me advance more with my business.

The Power of Broke: Meeting Daymond John   via

Make sure to purchase your copy of The Power of Broke.

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  1. Comment Author

    Lou..what a great experience. Your girls will always remember how Damon made them feel. I really like how he show you guys love. I'm gonna go buy his book today. You are definitely living your dream. I do believe all things are possible. Keep inspiring Lou!

    1. Comment Author

      Hey Janet! The girls were telling me that Daymond was on one of their shows they watch. Meeting him will be a experience they'll never forget.

      Thanks Janet! Yes, all things are possible if you work hard at achieving your dreams.

  2. Comment Author

    I love Damon he is one of my favorites on Shark Tank him and Mark Cuban. I have the book and can't wait to start reading.

    1. Comment Author

      I think Mark Cuban is a okay Shark as well.

  3. Comment Author

    Wow! That is so cool that you and your girls had that experience with Damon! I'm sure they'll never forget that!

  4. Comment Author

    Lucky Girl! That is so cool how he pulled you guys out of line like that. Sounds like a great day. #ProductReviewParty

  5. Comment Author

    I just finished reading the power of broke last week. It was just an inspiring read. It definitely gave me the kick in the pants I needed. My only regret is that I didn't read it out loud so my unborn child could be inspired too.

  6. Comment Author

    This looks like a great experience. This is my first time hearing of the book though. I am going to have to check it out. #ProductReviewParty

  7. Comment Author

    Now that's the way to network and the girls probably had no idea as to it's importance. Something similar happened to my boys when Spike Lee was at a book signing in Delaware. I took pics of them with him as he gave them a speech on how important it was to always listen to their mother. #ProductReviewParty

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