Hey Yall! Last week I was a chaperone on Lauren's 2-day camping field trip with her school.
There was no way I was going to let Lauren go on this field trip without me or Mr. M. Honestly, I didn't want her to go on this field trip at all, and the reason for that is I believe she is too young.
When I was younger in grade school, we didn't have any overnight field trips, just all day trips and return to school the same day. I guess since we're in a new day and age students are starting to do this overnight stuff early. But I'm not that trusting giving someone I don't personally know the responsibility to watch my child overnight.
What I was also dreading is the separation of my girls. Never have they ever been apart from each other. And so it begins. Soon, they'll be in separate schools too. I can't deal!
I'm not a camper at all, I never been on a camping trip, nor have I wanted to be on one. You see, I'm not really the outdoorsy type. Yes, I like going through the wilderness and gazing at the beautiful scenery, just don't want to do any overnight stays in it.
On top of that, I hate bugs! They love me, they see me as their feast, so being in the woods would put my poor body in danger. I kept dreading the thought of itchy bug bites.
Since we haven't been camping before, before the trip Lauren and I got our gear ready.
Our Top 10 Checklist:
1. Several pairs of clothes and undergarments
2. Toiletries
3. Bug Spray
4. Sunblock
5. Sleeping Bag and Pillow
6. Water Shoes and Tennis Shoes
7. Bottles for Water
8. Towels and Washcloths
9. Several Pairs of Socks
10. First-Aid Kit
Although it was a 2-day trip, I wanted us to be fully prepared. Better safe than miserable. LOL!
My thoughts on the trip at Rock Eagle 4-H Center...I felt miserable at first. Although I was a chaperone for Lauren, I was also in charge of watching other peoples' kids. At first, the kids were super annoying. Lauren's friends and classmates either were complaining or just talking way too much making my head hurt.
Our living arrangements were better than I expected, I knew we were not sleeping in tents outside (Thank God) but didn't know how our cabins would be or how many bathrooms.
We were in a newly built cabin with six bedrooms. Each room had its own bathroom and two bunk beds, except for one of the rooms that had two twin size beds for the teachers. And guess where that leaves me? Bunking with Lauren's friends! Nooooooo!!!!!!!
One of Lauren's friends found a trail of ants in our room then proceeded to spray them with her bug spray that is supposed to be sprayed on her skin. She had the whole room smelling like bug spray fumes. It was so bad I started choking and went off on her.
I told one of the teachers, and we had to air out the room. Luckily for me, there was an empty room available. YES! I quickly moved out my things from the poisonous room and moved into the empty one. I told Lauren she was coming with me too. She had an attitude and told me she wanted to stay with her friends. But that's not happening on my watch.
All of Lauren's friends found new rooms to stay in, with one friend that wanted to stay in the room with me. As long as it wasn't the friend that almost killed me spraying that toxic bug spray, I'm cool with it, and as long as Lauren is rooming with me as well. Lauren was down with that.
So, this friend is one of Lauren's besties. She is a polite young lady, but a talker. A non-stop talker! Talk so much; she even talks to herself! WTH!!!!!! I looked at Lauren giving her a look like what's up with your friend? She was creeping me out! Lauren did a little laugh.
Since it was just the 3 of us in the room, sharing the bathroom wasn't too bad we took turns and tried not to be in it too long.
Oh, and by the way, our room was pleasant, kind of like a hotel room, but with two bunk beds. The bathroom was spacious but didn't provide any toiletries or towels. Good thing Lauren and I brought our own. The beds didn't have blankets either; our sleeping bags came in handy.
Those two days was crammed pack with all-day activities. So many activities it was just too much! Kids started complaining, and so was I! I felt like all of these activities needed to be spread out on a longer camping trip, maybe more like 4 or 5 days.
Although it's fall, that sun was bursting out the heat as if it was the middle of July, and being out in the sun all day was draining. I sweated so much like if I was in the hot, muggy heat of Memphis, TN. We walked for miles every day. Even with me wearing bug spray I was still getting bitten up. I even caught a mosquitoes in action biting all over me! It was huge! Ugh!
I didn't have any service while out camping in the woods; I could only use text and the Internet when I was able to hop on WIFI. But that was a good thing; it helped me disconnect and focus on the kids.
Overall, the trip was an excellent hands-on experience for children. It also helped them disconnect from electronics too.
I had a great bonding moments with Lauren, got to meet her friends and learn more about them, also got to know her teachers more on a personal level.
And guess what! I get to do this camping trip all over again next year with Michelle! Yippee! (Being Sarcastic) I better start upping my game at the gym now to build up my strength for it.
What are your thoughts about 5th graders going on an overnight field trip?
I love the fact that you went with! I hate bugs too, seriously, and mosquitoes seems to LOVE me! UGH!
ReplyDeleteOh I thought you meant in a tent! Personally I LOVE it and the bugs do love me (leukemia survivor) but I buy some magical stuff that helps. It's awesome you went and got to experience all of that with your daughter. My stepdaughter is in 5th grade and she has been to sleep away camp. I guess I've always seen it as a normal rite of passage. I'm 40 and for as long as I can remember kids have been going away to camp.
ReplyDeleteI chaperoned one overnight camping trip when Malik when he was in Junior high and trust me it was better than chaperoning them to Washington, DC when he was in high school. However, the best part are the memories, not their's but ours! #PRPLinkUp
ReplyDeleteHey darlin, first I'm sorry but I am lmao a bit! Omgg the girls are getting ready to go to separate schools? They are growing up so fast! ugh.... When I was in school we only had those all day trips like you, I'm surprised about the overnighter trips. I agree it does seem like they tried to pack a bit too much into such a short time, however is looks like a pretty place to see, especially if you had more time to enjoy it. #survivedtheovernighter #ProductReviewParty #126
ReplyDeleteWhat nice cabins! Much better than the ones my kids stay in when they go off to a week long camp each summer.
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was a lot of fun! :)
You are so lucky you guys actually got to stay in cabins with working plumbing! My first time camping was with a summer camp and I think I was 8. We had to sleep on a tarp outside - no tent. And the bathroom was just a stinky outhouse. I hated it.