If you’re trying to cut back on your monthly expenses, one of the quickest ways to do so is to adjust your monthly food budget.
A combination of meal planning and meal prep will help you drastically reduce the amount of money you spend on food each month. The best part is you can meal prep regardless of your budget.
Now, let’s get started.
Step 1 - Purchase Some Reusable Containers
If you don’t already have reusable containers, you are going to have to invest in some to start meal prepping.
Not only will reusable containers help you meal prep each week, but they’ll also help you with portion control.
Step 2 - Start Ordering Your Groceries Online
Many people go over their grocery budgets because when they are shopping in-store, they are adding items that are “on sale” or making “impulse buys” simply because something catches their eye.
When you order your groceries online - either for pickup or delivery - you can focus only on the things you need, which cuts out the expense of purchasing unplanned items. In addition, you’re able to make sure that you get the correct amount of ingredients.
Step 3 - Use Simple Ingredients That Can Work For Multiple Meals
When planning meals, try to put meals on your list that use the same simple ingredients for each meal.
By doing this, you’re saving money because you won’t have to buy as many simple ingredients, and you’re cutting down on your waste since you’ll be able to plan out using the entire amount of the ingredient before it expires.
Plus, there’s the benefit of it’ll make your meal prep a lot easier.
Step 4 - Purchase Generic Brands When Possible
Understandably, you cannot go generic on everything because some products don’t taste the same. However, when it comes to certain ingredients such as sugar, spices, etc., the generic brands work just as well, taste similar, and save you some money.
Step 5 - Purchase Bulk Meat
If you’re okay with eating the same type of meat multiple times a week, purchase your meat in bulk.
For example, you could purchase a whole brisket vs. a section of brisket for about only $20 more (depending on where you live). In addition, it’ll last you for the entire week (depending on the size of your family).
Plus, when doing meal prep, it’ll also be less time-consuming since you’re only cooking one meat, which is another win in my book.
You Can Meal Prep on a Budget Successfully
Meal prep isn’t just for people who don’t have to worry about money. You can meal prep on a budget successfully, as I have outlined in the steps above.
Plus, with many of the tips I’ve shared, not only will you be able to meal prep on a budget, but you’ll also be able to shave off some of the time you spend meal prepping each week.
What is your best tip for meal prepping on a budget?