Reflecting on Lauren's High School Journey

Lou Martin
Reflecting on Lauren's High School Journey

I can't believe it, y'all! Lauren has made it to the finish line! I have my first high school graduate!

I've been an emotional wreck all last week thinking about how quickly Lauren has grown up, and now it's time for her to venture out into this huge world.

High School Graduation

Starting high school during the pandemic and then transitioning from public to private school in the 11th grade was challenging. Still, Lauren worked hard and stayed focused on finishing, a testament to her strength and character.

I'm so happy that she went to private school because it motivated her to be and do anything she set her mind to.

Public schools were telling kids, especially black children, garbage that due to the color of their skin, they have a disadvantage, also pushing fear into them.

My daughters have two successful black parents, and here we are uplifting them and motivating them to be the best that they can be, but yet public school is treating them like charity cases due to their skin color.

Because of this, public schools began to be unsafe as they would only give black students a slap on the wrist instead of disciplining them.

So many fights, fires, threats, drugs, and school lockdowns. It was ridiculous!

Then, my daughters started private school and saw people who looked just like them who had successful families and lives. It was eye-opening for them to see that.

At my daughters' private school, they help prepare students for the next stage of their lives.

Also, they are not just a number; everyone knows and supports you.

Internship at an Animal Hospital

Lauren got to do an internship at an animal hospital, even being able to watch surgeries, which she thought was cool to see.

It's great that their school has a program requiring all students to complete an internship to graduate, preparing them for the working world.

London- Buckingham Palace

Her most memorable moment at school was when she went to England and France for a couple of weeks with some of her senior classmates.

Paris France- Arc de Triomphe

When she left on her senior trip this past January, I knew this was preparing me to let go. I cried because I knew the time was coming, but Lauren is an adult now; it's time to spread her wings and fly without me holding her hands.

But I'll always be there cheering her on, and if she needs advice, I'll always be here to guide her.

Summer break is here; Lauren will chill out, rest, and work over the summer before she begins her next chapter to become an esthetician.

As for me, I'll be preparing for another graduate, Michelle! She'll be graduating high school next year.

Wow, can time slow down, please! I'm not ready for all of this!

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